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indiana state Real Estate Investors Association


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Why Donate?

INstateREIA is the only STATEWIDE legislative organization representing Indiana real estate entrepreneurs that will step up and take legal action when your property rights as a business owner are violated. Like preventing House Bills that require rental owners to pay tenants utility bills, and statewide eviction moratoriums (before the CDC's NATIONAL eviction) and more. 

We are asking for you to donate for one important purpose: to help real estate investors and private property owners pay for the very-expensive (but very necessary) cost of suing governmental and quasi-governmental agencies when they pass laws and regulations that are unconstitutional or blatantly wrong.

These suits cost $15,000 just to get a quick judgement, $100,00+ if it gets appealed. And no one individual should have to bear the costs of fighting for EVERYONE's right to do business all on their own.

Even if you aren't impacted by any of the CURRENT legislation....don't get complacent. Eviction moratorium today...and who knows what else will be regulated tomorrow. When some lawsuit we help make happen protects your rights, you'll be glad you gave us your support. 

Legislative Blog | How we serve you | Our Legislative Victories | House Bills to Watch

Our Goal - $100,000

Donate Now
INstateREIA has an undefeated track record when it it comes to promoting position legislation that affects the Housing Provider industry.

To continue this fight we need your support. Please help us reach our goal of $100,000, by clicking and donating now!

Any amount you can contribute (whether $50 to $50,000 or more) makes a difference.

No amount is too small or too large!

**All donations 501(c)(6) deductible as a business expense

Our Progress towards $100,000

These funds will be used for lawsuits, lobbying and public relations to fight anti-investor legislation. 

Ways to Donate

Donate via Paypal

Donate through our website

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Contact Us

Indiana State REIA 
‪(317) 426-8832‬

6212 US highway 6
Portage IN, 46368

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